setting up

First, configure your configuration which are loaded as environment variables. Create a jacs.config.json from the example For an explanation see the schema for the config.

To create a config file, you can run

jacs config create

Which will give you this dialog:

Please enter the data directory path:
Please enter the key directory path:
Please enter the agent private key filename:
Please enter the agent public key filename:
Please enter the agent key algorithm:
Please enter the agent schema version:
Please enter the header schema version:
Please enter the signature schema version:
Please enter the private key password:
Please enter the agent ID and version:

You can use jacs config read to check the configs.

Note: Do not use jacs_private_key_password in production. Instead, use the environment variable JACS_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD in a secure manner. This encrypts a private key needed for signing documents. You can create a new version of your agent with a new key, but this is not ideal.


The pre-commit hook requires some libraries

See pre-commit

  • install jq e.g. brew install jq or use your package manager (e.g., apt install jq for Debian/Ubuntu)
  • for documentation npm install -g @adobe/jsonschema2md
  • cargo install mdbook

Otherwise, it's a standard Rust project.

  • install Rust and your favorite editor
  • see tests, examples, and benches

For a complete guide on setting up a Rust development environment, refer to the official Rust installation guide.

After setting up your environment, you can proceed to the next steps in the documentation to begin working with JACS.